How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

By default, when you insert a link in a Google Doc, it will be blue. But did you know there are several ways you can change this if you don’t like it?

How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

Customizing your links in a Google Doc can be useful if you want to emphasize something or you just like playing with different styles, including changing colors. Keep reading this article, and we’ll show you a step-by-step guide on how to change the color of links in a Google Doc.

Changing the Color of Links

  1. Open the Google Doc.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Find the link you want to customize and select it.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  3. Tap the underlined letter “A” in the toolbar.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  4. Choose one of the colors or create your own to apply it to the link color.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

Is It Possible to Change the Link’s Default Style in Google Docs?

As you may know, Microsoft Word has a section called “Styles,” where you can customize the look of different headings, titles, references, etc. Among those options is a style called “Hyperlinks,” where you can choose a default formatting style for all hyperlinks in your document, including the color.

Even though Google Docs has a style section, you can only customize your title, subtitle, and headings. By default, everything you type in a Google Doc is marked as “Normal text.” By adding a style, you further customize the look of parts of your documents. However, there is no “Hyperlink” style option available in Google Docs, which means you can’t change the color of your links in this manner.

How to Highlight a Link in a Google Doc

Besides changing the color of a link, you can opt for highlighting it if you want to emphasize it. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Open the Google Doc.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Select the link you want to highlight.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  3. Tap the highlighter icon named “Highlight color” in the toolbar.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  4. Choose the color you’d like.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

By highlighting a link, you don’t change the font color, just the background. The font of your link will remain blue by default unless you change it.

Link Style

Link Style is an add-on for customizing the appearance of your links in Google Docs. You can add it by following the steps below:

  1. Open Google Docs.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Tap the “Add-ons” section in the toolbar.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  3. Tap “Get add-ons.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  4. Type “Link Style” in the search bar.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  5. Select it and tap “Install.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  6. A pop-up message asking for permission will show on your screen. Tap “Continue.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  7. Select the Google account you want to use.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  8. The add-on will require access to your Google account. Tap “Continue.”
  9. Once you’ve installed it, “Link Style” will appear in the “Add-ons” section.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

How to Change Links’ Color Using Link Style

You can easily change the color of all links in a Google Doc with Link Style. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Select a link.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Choose the link’s color using the toolbar option.
  3. Tap “Add-ons.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  4. Tap “Link style.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  5. Tap “Update link style to match.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

Now all the links in your Google Doc will change color and match the one you’ve chosen for the first link.

How to Update Recently Added Links Using Link Style

If you’ve changed the color of your links using “Link Style,” you may have noticed that newly added links don’t match the style you’ve chosen. You can easily match those links to the other ones by following the steps below:

  1. Tap “Add-ons” in the toolbar.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Tap “Link style.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  3. Tap “Update document.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

It will take a few seconds for Google Docs to go through and update the document. Once it’s done, all of your links will match the style you’ve set previously.

How to Save a Default Color Using Link Style

Once you’ve created the desired color for your links in a Google Doc, you can decide to save it for your future documents. Here is how you can do it:

  1. After choosing the color of a link, tap “Add-ons.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Tap “Link Style.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  3. Tap “Use as Default.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

Now you can use this style for future documents you create.

How to Restore a Default Link Style

If you’ve saved a default link style, you can retrieve it for any future document by following these steps:

  1. Tap “Add-ons.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Tap “Link Style.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  3. Tap “Restore default.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc

In a few seconds, all of your links will change color, matching the default style you’ve chosen.

How to Change the Default Link Style

If you decide you want to change the link style, you can easily do it at any time:

  1. Select any link in your Google Doc.
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  2. Right-click on it and tap “Clear formatting.”
    How To Change The Color Of Links In A Google Doc
  3. Customize the link. Besides its color, you can also change the font style, size, position, etc.
  4. Tap “Use as default.”

Note that this will change the default link, but if there are any other links in your document, they won’t change style unless you tap “Update link style to match.”

Add a Touch of Color to Your Google Doc

Now you’ve learned how to change the color of links in a Google Doc. Whether you’re using the toolbar or “Link Style,” changing the links’ color is easy and doable in a few steps. Even though there isn’t a default “Hyperlink” style like in Microsoft Word, you can easily create one with “Link Style,” and use it for other documents.

Have you ever used “Link Style” to customize your links in Google Docs? Tell us in the comment section below.

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