How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

SharePoint Online is a popular collaborative platform used by over 200 million users. Its purpose is essentially to manage digitized documents. The SharePoint group’s feature provides administrators with a shortcut to granting multiple users the same permission levels to content and sites. If you need to know how to add users to a SharePoint group, we’ve outlined the steps in this article.

We also discuss how to add external members to a group, how to troubleshoot – should you have problems adding external members. Plus, we’ll cover some other group management tips for using SharePoint Online via Windows and macOS.

How to Add Group Members on SharePoint?

The following steps require group creation and management permissions. To add members to a group using Windows 10:

  1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  2. Click on “Share.”
  3. Alternatively, if the “Members” option is visible, select it then “Add members.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  4. Type the names or email addresses of the users you wish to add to the group in the “Enter names, email addresses, or Everyone” text field.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  5. The names will appear in the confirmation box below; click on a user to add to the box.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the users you wish to add have been added.
  7. If you wish to include a note with the invitation, select “Include a personal message with this invitation.”
  8. Then select “Share.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

To add members to a group using macOS:

  1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  2. Click on “Share.”
  3. Alternatively, if the “Members” option is visible, select it then “Add members.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  4. Type the names or email addresses of the users you wish to add to the group in the “Enter names, email addresses or Everyone” text field.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  5. The names will appear in the confirmation box below; click on a user to add to the box.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the users you wish to add have been added.
  7. If you wish to include a note with the invitation, select “Include a personal message with this invitation.”
  8. Then select “Share.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

How to Remove Group Members on SharePoint?

To remove group members via Windows 10:

  1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.
  2. Select “Settings” > “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  3. Select the “Site information” option if it is available instead of “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  4. Click on “View all site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  5. From “Users and Permissions” on the “Site Settings” page, select “People and Groups.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  6. From “Quick Launch,” click on the group name you wish to remove the users from.
  7. Check the checkboxes beside the members you want to remove.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  8. Then hit “Actions” > “Remove Users from Group.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  9. Then “OK” to confirm.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

To remove group members via macOS:

  1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.
  2. Select “Settings” > “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  3. Select the “Site information” option if it is available instead of “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  4. Click on “View all site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  5. From “Users and Permissions” on the “Site Settings” page, select “People and Groups.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  6. From “Quick Launch,” click on the group name you wish to remove the users from.
  7. Check the checkboxes beside the members you want to remove.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  8. Then hit “Actions” > “Remove Users from Group.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  9. Then “OK” to confirm.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

How to Change Group Permissions on SharePoint?

To change the permissions for a group via Windows 10:

  1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.
  2. Select “Settings” > “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  3. Select “Site information” if it is available instead of “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  4. Click on “View all site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  5. From “Users and Permissions” on the “Site Settings” page, select “Site Permissions.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  6. Check the check box for the group whose permission you want to change.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  7. From the “Permissions” tab, select “Edit User Permissions.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  8. Check the necessary checkboxes for the new permission level.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

To change the permissions for a group via macOS:

  1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.
  2. Select “Settings” > “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  3. Select “Site information” if it is available instead of “Site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  4. Click on “View all site settings.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  5. From “Users and Permissions” on the “Site Settings” page, select “Site Permissions.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  6. Check the check box for the group whose permission you want to change.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  7. From the “Permissions” tab, select “Edit User Permissions.”
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint
  8. Check the necessary checkboxes for the new permission level.
    How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

Additional FAQs

How Do I Create a Group on SharePoint?

To create a SharePoint group via desktop:

1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.

2. Select “Settings” > “Site permissions.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

3. Select “Advanced Permissions Settings.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

4. Select “Create Group” from the “Permissions” tab.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

5. In the “Name” and “About me” text fields, enter the name and description for the SharePoint group.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

6. State a single owner of this security group in the “Owner” text field.

7. Specify who can view and edit the membership details of the group from the “Group Settings” section.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

8. From “Membership Requests,” choose the settings for requests to leave or join the group; you can specify the email address for requests.

9. Select a permission level from the “Give Group Permissions to this Site” section.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

10. Then select “Create.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

How Do I Delete a SharePoint Group?

1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.

2. Select the “Settings” gear icon then “Site settings.” Select “Site information” if “Site settings” is not displayed.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

3. Then select “View all site settings.” On some pages, you might need to select “Site contents” > “Site settings.”

4. Under “Users and Permissions” select “People and Groups.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

5. Now select the name of the SharePoint group you wish to delete.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

6. Select “Settings” > “Group Settings.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select “Delete.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

8. Then “OK” in the confirmation window.

How Do I Add External Members to a SharePoint Group?

1. Launch SharePoint Online then access your project or site.

2. Click on the “Share” button from the top-right corner.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

3. From the pop-up window, via the “Invite people” default tab, type the names or email addresses of the users you wish to add to the group; make sure the “Send an email invitation” check box is enabled.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

4. To ensure your external members don’t have full permissions, double-check which group and the permission levels are granted. By default, SharePoint sets the “Members” group with “Contribute” permissions.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

5. Once complete, hit the “Share” button.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

Why Can’t I Add Members to a Group on SharePoint?

If you’re receiving error messages when trying to add external users to a group, or permissions for the user do not work as expected, try the following:

Try Clearing Your Web Browser Cache

A browser cache storing bad data could be conflicting with SharePoint Online and causing errors. To clear Chrome’s web browser cache:

1. Launch Chrome and click on the three-dotted menu icon then “Settings.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

2. Enter “Cache” into the search bar.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

3. Select “Clear browsing data.”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

4. From the basic tab, enable “Cached images and files” and “Cookies and other site data”

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

5. Then select the “Clear data” button.

How To Add Members To A Group In SharePoint

Try Allowing External Content Type Access to Everyone/All Users

To allow external content types access to Everyone or All Users, do the following:

1. Launch SharePoint Online and navigate to the “SharePoint admin center.”

2. Select “secure store.”

3. Click on the “Target Application ID” then “Edit.”

4. From the “Members” section, include the “Everyone” group then scroll down the page to click on “OK.”

5. Navigate back to the “SharePoint admin center” and click on “bcs.”

6. From the “bcs” options, select “Manage BDC Models and External Content Types.”

· Ensure “View” is set to “External Content Types.”

7. Click on the “BDC Model” used for external content then “Set Metadata Store Permissions.”

8. From the “set Metadata Store permissions” dialog box, for the permissions, include “Everyone” then hit “Add.”

9. Click on the “Everyone” group from the listed existing accounts for the “Metadata Store.” Ensure the “Execute” option is enabled.

10. Scroll down the dialog box to enable the following:

· “Propagate permissions to all BDC Models”

· “External Systems and External Content Types in the BDC Metadata Store”

11. Now hit “OK.”

Ensure External Sharing Is Enabled

External sharing may have been disabled on SharePoint, Site, and Office 365. Try re-enabling it to resolve the problem:

1. Launch “Microsoft Online Administration Center.”

2. Underneath “SharePoint Online” click on the “Manage” link.

3. From the left pane of the “Administration center window,” select “Manage Site Collections.”

4. Select “Settings” via the “Administration center dashboard,” then click on “Manage External Users” from the menu.

5. Click on the “Allow” button then “Save” to save the changes.

Granting SharePoint Group Permissions Simultaneously

SharePoint groups offer a quick and effective way to allow multiple people access to content and sites. Group members can be internal or external to an organization. SharePoint Online is integrated with the Microsoft Office suite and has been one of the favored collaborative platforms since 2001.

Now that we’ve shown you how to add members to SharePoint groups and some basic group management tips, we’d like to know whether the group members were able to use their permissions as expected? Did you experience any problems – if so, how did you resolve them? Tell us what you think about SharePoint Online in general in the comments section below.

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